Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Test Chapter 33

Para- 2nd person indicative active present form of "paro" meaning "to prepare for"
Sunt- 3rd person plural present indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
Est- 3rd person singular indicative of "esse" meaning "to be  "
Esset- 3rd person plural indacative imperfect of "esse" meaning "to be" (appears 2 times)
Posse- 2nd person singular present imperative infinitive of "esse" meaning "to be"
Putabis- 2nd person singular indicative active future of "puto" meaning "to think"
Ages- 2nd person singular indicative active future of "ago" meaning "to do"
Eris- 2nd person singular indicative future of "esse" meaning "to be"
Essem- 1st person singular indicative imperfect of "esse" meaning "to be"
Ferrem- 1st person singular subjunctive active present of "ferre" meaning "to bear"
Dicis- 2nd person singular indicative active present of "dico" meaning "to say"
Malle- 2nd person singular of "malo" meaning "to prefer"
Agat- 3rd person plural indicative active present of "ago" meaning "to drive"
Recuses- 2ndperson singular indicative active present of "recuso" meaning "to refuse"
Erres- 2nd person singular indicative active present of "erro" meaning "to make"
Ferrem- 2nd person singular subjunctive active present of "fero" meaning "to bear" (used 2 times)
Erres- 2nd person singular indicative active present of "erro" meaning "to make"
Scias- 2nd person singular indicative active present of "scio" meaning "to know"
Nescias- 2nd person singular indicative active present of "nescio" meaning "to not know"
Dices- 2nd person singular subjunctive active present of "dico" meaning "to say"
Speculo- 1st person singular indicative active present of "speculo" meaning "to look"
Habet- 3rd person plural subjunctive active present of "habeo" meaning "to hold"
Facit-3rd person plural indicative active present of "faceo" meaning "to make"

You will always be poor, if you are poor, Aemilianus: no wealth is given now except to the rich.

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