Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Wallace

All worthi men that has gud witt to waille,
Bewar that yhe with mys deyme nocht my taille.
Perchance yhe say that Bruce he was none sik.
He was als gud quhat deid was to assaill
As of his handis and bauldar in battaill,
Bot Bruce was knawin weyll ayr of this kynrik;
For he had rycht we call no man him lik.
Bot Wallace thris this kynrik conquest haile,
In Ingland fer socht battaill on that rik.

This excerpt from the epic poem "The Wallace" can be compared to that of the Iliad. Both of the poems have one main hero (Iliad;Achilles and The Wallace;William Wallace) and they follow him throughout his adventure. The adventure follows the person from there heroic beginning to their dramatic and often ending in martyrdom for their cause. the difference is that the epic for Wallace is in a different dialect of the original language and not a consistent dialect like Homer's Greek in the Iliad. Another difference is that the poem in Homer's Iliad follows multiple other characters as well, whereas The Wallace just follows William Wallace.

"The Wallace: Selections: Introduction." River Campus Libraries. Web. 05 May 2010. .

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