Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Acutis- Latin Sharpened
albus- latin white
amphi- greek on both sides
anthropos- greek human being
apis- latin bee
aquaticus- greek from the water
argentatis- latin from the field
aureus- greek golden
baccata- greek berry bearing
bradis- latin slow
cychis- latin plant
cannus- greek flesh
cauda- greek tail
ceps- latin principal
cloros- latin green
chroma- latin color
cola- latin dweller
corax- greek raven
custados- latin clean
cristados- latin crested

1 comment:

Tyler said...

aquaticus- latin from the water
argentis- silvery
aureus- latin golden
baccata- latin berry bearing
bradys- latin slow
caecus- latin blind
canus- latin gray
ceps- latin head
cloros- greek green
chroma- greek color
costatus- latin ribbed