Friday, December 18, 2009


Dico- present indicative passive 3rd person plural of "dico" meaning "to say"
Nasse- present infinitive active 2nd person plural of "nasso" meaning "to swim"
Lecti- perfect participle passive 3rd person plural of "lego" meaning "to gather"
Optantes- perfect participle present 3rd person plural of "opto" meaning "to choose"
Avertere- future indicative passive 2nd person plural of "averto" meaning "to turn away"
Vada- present indicative active 2nd person plural of "vado" meaning "to go"
Decurre- future indicative passive 3rd person plural of "decurro" meaning "to hasten"
Verrentes- "present participle 3rd person plural of "verro" meaning "to sweep"
Fecit- perfect indicative active 3rd person plural of "faco" meaning "to make"
Cursu- present indicative passive 3rd person plural of "corre" meaning "to run"
Imbuit- present indicative active 2nd person singular of "imbuo" meaning "to wet"
Tortaque- perfect participle passive 3rd person plural of "torto" meaning "to turn"
Incanduit- perfect indicative active 3rd person plural of "incandui" meaning "to grow"
Condeti- present participle passive 3rd person plural of "candeo" meaning "to be brilliant"
Admirantes- present participle passive 3rd person plural of "admiro" meaning "to admire"
Viderunt- perfect indicative active 3rd person plural of "video" meaning "to see"
Fertur- present indicative active 3rd person plural of "ferto" meaning "to bear"
Tene- present indicative passive 3rd person plural of "teneo" meaning "to hold"
Concessit- present indicative active 3rd person plural of "concedo" meaning "to withdraw"
Amplecititur- present indicative passive 3rd person plural of "ampleceotr" meaning "to combine"

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