Wednesday, September 9, 2009

History of the Word "Home"

"O.E. ham "dwelling, house, estate, village," from P.Gmc. *khaim- (cf. O.Fris. hem "home, village," O.N. heimr "residence, world," heima "home," Ger. heim "home," Goth. haims "village"), from PIE base *kei- "to lie, settle down" (cf. Gk. kome, Lith. kaimas "village;" O.C.S. semija "domestic servants")."(

Different uses throughout history: The word "homing" originated in 1875, the word "homebody" is from 1821, the word "homemade" is from 1659, the word "homeland" is from 1670, the word "homeless" is from 1615, and the word "homespun" is from 1590.

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