Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chapter 21 Vocabulary Test

  1. tango - to touch
  2. scio - to know
  3. relenquo - to leave behind
  4. rapio - to seize
  5. laboro - to labor
  6. iubeo - to command
  7. contineo - to contain
  8. iterum - again
  9. atque - and
  10. asper - harsh

Bonus: volgus - the common people, rabble

Bonus Duo: archangel somebody or other

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Greece Shows Off Recovered Stolen Ancient Artifacts

Greece along with Italy have teamed up to create a large exhibit in Greece which will show off more than eighty ancient artifacts stolen from looters and sold to museums illegally in Europe and the U.S. The pieces were returned to the countries for free, and the exhibit (whose core pieces were shown in Rome a few days ago) has now been assembled fully in Greece. Most of these pieces came from Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. Britain though has refused to give some pieces back hat they acquired legally while Greece was a part of the Ottoman Empire. The exhibit will be up until December 31.

Chapter 20 Test

Fructus Cornu
Fructus Cornus
Fructui Cornu
Fructum Cornu
Fructu Cornu

Fructus Cornua
Fructuum Cornuum
Fructibus Cornibus
Fructus Cornua
Fructibus Cornibus

After this and another act of labor Hercules is free. What however is the reward for this. Nothing. What was the fruit of his labor? Glory and memory will last forever in the lines of versus in poems.

5) I hate Persian equipments.
8)No accuser lacks of blame; we have all sinned.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Philip's Golden Wreath

On August 29, 2008 a team of Greek archeaologists uncovered a golden wreath in a vase during a dig inVergina, which is near the tomb of Philip II. Th wreath is believed to be dated back to around 300 B.C., around King Philip II time, and was either worn by him or perhaps his son Alexander the Great. This archaelogical find is considered to be the greatest find in a while, and perhaps since the uncovering of King Philip II tomb itself.


Chapter 20 Vocabulary Test

  1. pronuntio- to proclaim
  2. prohibeo- to prohibit
  3. odi- to hate
  4. discedo- to depart, go away
  5. difendo- to defend, ward off
  6. careo- to be without
  7. sinister- left-handed
  8. dexter- right-handed
  9. communis- common
  10. versus- line of verse
  11. BONUS: spiritus- spirit
  12. BONUS DUO: uxor- wife

Sunday, September 21, 2008

38 Latin Stories Chapter 19: The Judgement Of Paris

The goddess Discordia, whom was the only one that was not called upon to Peleus and Thetis wedding, was very angry. She therefore made in gold an immortal apple, in which she wrote the word: “Beautiful.” To whom does she owe this daring apple? Juno or Veneri or Minerva? Even Jupiter himself would produce fear in a court! And so to Paris, son of the king of Troy, this goddess came upon. “O dearly young man,” she said, “which of our beauties is your decision? You will receive a large gift according to the woman that you pick.” Whom would Paris pick? He picked Dscordia over Minerva and said that Helen was the most beautiful, and he was given the power. He will have to pay love victuals to have the golden apple. And ( if you wish contest the talk of these statements ) Helenus was captured and taken to the new location, Troy , where she is. What war would be waged on account of that woman?